Contact phone number:+977-61-461474
Welcome to Western Regional Hotel Association Pokhara Website
Western Regional Hotel Association is a pioneering and leading non profit,non political,non governmental association of hospitality & tourism industry in Nepal.
The main objective of the association is to facilitate the member,protect the interest of members,promote destination in national & international tourism arena with joint initiative effort,enhancing hotel industry and developing skill man power for the industry.
We,as an association have been working actively with governmental organization,non governmental organization & fellow tourism counterpart for the betterment of the industry & the tourism sector.
We are actively participating in various business & social sector to make a positive changes in society through the business.
At present,our association has 300 active member.and,due to it’s active participation and involvement in local & national issues more hotel members are joining the association.thus,which makes an association more responsible.
The website is part of our effort to be more strategic communicating with our member and wider community.and,promoting individual establishment in one platform.therefore,the website provides more information about the accommodation providers in Pokhara with better opportunity and direct access for travelers to select and book various categories of accommodation.
We assure you that your stay in Pokhara will be a lifetime memorable.
PHAP - Hosted by Greater Pokhara